Having a child is never easy, but there are certainly circumstances that can make it harder.
If the newest addition to your family requires additional attention due to a traumatic birth or birth injury, that can make focusing on your own health even more difficult. It may be difficult to adequately care for any older children you may have, as well.
Even supporting your birth-injured child may be difficult. You may have a hard time bonding with them. Your marriage and other relationships can take a toll. In the midst of recovery for all concerned, it’s vital that you figure out how best to provide care for your entire family—and for yourself.
Here’s what you need to know.
Supporting Your Family—And Yourself—After a Birth Injury
Prioritizing these actions may make all the difference:
Taking care of your family, whatever that requires, will be your number-one priority in the months (and years) after your child’s birth injury. However, your child’s injuries can also make providing care more difficult. Your birth-injured child may face pain, deformities, required physical therapy, special schooling, adaptive devices, and more. In order to provide the best care possible for your family, you’ll need to make sure that you can meet these challenges without draining your resources.
Charles H. Thronson, Attorney at Law, is ready to help you pursue the support you and your family needs. Call our firm today to learn more about how we can help you.